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5 Tips for Traveling With Teens

Topside Travels

Teens and young adults are independent, inquisitive, fun-loving, and adventure seeking travelers. Over the past several years, we've taken a few family cruises and some beach vacations with our eyes on a rail vacation somewhere in the not quite planned out future. It's been such a pleasure watching them experience the world as young adults.

Here are our top 5 tips for traveling with teens and young adults.


You know this already, but sometimes it's hard to let go, right? But really, give them an itinerary and some packing tips and they're good to go. The passport, well... best to keep that safe with you until they are of legal age and accountability.

PRO TIP: Have some grace and some extra sunscreen on hand for when they realize they forgot theirs.

That brings us to the next tip...


I'm preaching to myself here, because this happens to all of us. Things don't always go as planned. We can't always save the experience, but we can save our vacation. Let your kid vent, then brainstorm ways to turn that frown upside down.

PRO TIP: Warn your family ahead of time if you expect issues and remind them to enjoy the moment.


Put that latergram hashtag to good use. Have a little forced family fun and prompt your teens to be fully present in the present. Lead by example by keeping your phone usage to a minimum as well.

PRO TIP: If you really want to discourage phone usage, book a cruise or international trip where phone service and wifi is more limited.


Always exercise caution, whether traveling in or out of the US, but grant some independence as well. Allow opportunities to explore a bit safely.

PRO TIP: Check with your cell phone provider about vacation plans. They may offer cell service outside of the US for short periods of time at little to not cost to you. Walkie talkies, although "old fashioned", are also a great option to give teens just a bit more freedom in areas where cell phones may not work.


Teens and young adults can be surprisingly good at entertaining themselves on a modest budget. In a new place with new experiences, the term "quality over quantity" has never been more appropriate.

PRO TIP: Budget for the vacation you can afford and let your teen save up to pay for his or her own souvenirs and extras.


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